The Real Estate Co-Powerment Series is a series of courses, offered by Omicelo Cares & Neighborhood Allies, that is into demystify the real estate development process.

We hope you can join us for this awesome Real Estate series!!! It is only $50 with a letter from the BGC. Garfield (October 26 – December 16, no class during Thanksgiving week) from 6-8pm. More info below!

Through class instruction, coaching and mentorship, our goal is to demonstrate how community members, organizations, and small business owners can participate and benefit from their own neighborhood revitalization. Please note that there are only 25 available seats for each cohort. The first 15 seats are reserved for residents/business owners  IN GARFIELD where the series will be held. The additional 10 seats are available for individuals from outside of that community. FOOD AND DRINKS PROVIDED.

Course topics include real estate basics, proforma development, community engagement, transactional law, tax credits, financial training, zoning, green building, and more!

The fee for the course is $200.
Scholarships are available to those in need. In order to be considered for a scholarship, please submit a letter of recommendation from a community-based organization and/or employer. SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW


Apply Online here

Garfield Resident Scholarships – 

If anyone applies for a scholarship, they will still need to pay $50 for the course and would need a letter from the BGC saying “we support this person taking this class, etc”.  Preference is given to Garfield’s BIPOC residents.

After filling out the online Omicello Application please email for scholarship information. Please include your full legal name, address, & phone number and a brief answer to “Why would you like to participate in the Real Estate Co-Powerment Series”.

Strong applicants will have the ability to bring a real-life real estate project to the course to workshop & develop with experienced mentors and instructors.

Those who successfully complete the Co-Powerment Series will receive a certificate of completion.