The African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania, The Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center, and The Pittsburgh Promise are proud to present HirePgh.

5 New Hire/Alum & Employer pairs will be chosen to receive $5,500 each ($11,000 per pair)

The goal of HirePgh is to incentivize Pittsburgh businesses to hire City residents that are recipients of the Pittsburgh Promise and retain more young talent within the local Pittsburgh economy. The HirePgh Grant seeks to foster these goals. Alumni of The Pittsburgh Promise Program are eligible to apply for the HirePgh Grant along with their new place of employment. Applications will go through a merit based review process by the HirePgh Grant Advisory Committee.

• New hire must be an alum of The Pittsburgh Promise
An alum of The Pittsburgh Promise Program is defined as someone who has utilized their Promise scholarship and has earned a certificate or degree from an accredited institution.
• Application must be sent in within 4 months
Employment must have been offered and accepted within the last 4 months prior to the post date of this application.
• Position must be full time
Part time employment, internships, apprenticeships, and similar positrons will not be considered.
• Employer must be located within the City of Pittsburgh

1. Confirm that the new hire/alum, employer, position, and application meet all requirements listed above
2. Download the HirePgh Grant Application (found below)
3. Complete the forms entirely (if possible, we prefer that answers are typed in the applicable field to ensure that all answers are legible)
4. Print & signs forms
5. New hire/alum: Type and print a 1 page personal statement
6. New hire/alum: Send all materials together to African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania within 4 months of job offer/acceptance
7. Notified by letter whether your application has been chosen to be awarded HirePgh Grant
8. If chosen, the new hire/alum and the employer will receive $5,500 each
($11,000 total) from African American Chamber of Commerce of Westerns Pennsylvania
*Money awarded to employer may only be spent on capital expenditures, employee training, & other similar expenses

Applications must be sent to:
African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania
436 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2220
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219

Online submissions will not be accepted or reviewed.

Questions should be directed to hirepgh@gmail.com

Find them at:

HirePgh Facbook & HirePgh Twitter