
Arsenal 360 Night

Get ready for a special family fun night at Arsenal Elementary and Arsenal Middle School on Wednesday, May 6th at 5:30 PM. In partnership with A+ Schools and the Pittsburgh Public Schools, the PEP Rally Program will be  jointly hosting Arsenal 360 Night, a special evening designed to celebrate diversity and showcase the many stories and cultures of Arsenal families. This event has been made possible through the Sprout Fund's Global Switchboard Community of Practice grant.  Everyone is encouraged to extend this invitation to other families and anyone else who might be interested in this multicultural event. Below are some [...]

By |2015-05-04T11:13:11-04:00May 4, 2015|Community, Events, Youth|0 Comments

Garfield Night Market!

Are you partial to moonlit walks in the springtime? Do you enjoy browsing outdoor markets? Well, you're in luck because the Garfield Night Market is here to satisfy your good-weather whimsy with some homemade foods and crafts tonight (5/1) on N. Pacific Ave. As part of the monthly Unblurred gallery crawl, the Garfield Night Market functions as a small-business incubator in a community-oriented environment; neighbors become vendors for the night by offering specialty goods to gallery crawlers in the pursuit of craftiness. To learn more about this 'First Fridays' event, visit  or follow the market on Facebook.

By |2015-05-01T12:36:28-04:00May 1, 2015|Community, Events|4 Comments

Thanks for Walking with Us!

Thanks for helping us demonstrate our community's grocery needs yesterday! Such neighborhood support is essential to furthering our conversation about the future of 5200 Penn Avenue. We must continue joining forces to maintain this momentum, and effect real change, for a grocery store in Garfield. If we don't stay committed to the possibility of a Penn Avenue grocery store, then ALDI might just sell the building to the highest bidder (read: commercial developers with no stake in our community). Nobody wants another auto-parts chain popping up within a local 'food desert,' so please help us turn the oasis of a [...]

By |2015-03-19T16:31:54-04:00March 19, 2015|Community, Employment, Events, Grocery Needs, News|0 Comments

Aldi, “Won’t you be our neighbor?”

  Aldi is deciding whether or not to open a new grocery store at the former Bottom Dollar location (5200 Penn Avenue). We are organizing a show of support for this initiative, a demonstration of Garfield's neighborhood buying power. Come join us this Wednesday (3/18) at 6pm. Neighbors will congregate at the former Bottom Dollar location and proceed, en masse, walking down to the Aldi on Baum Blvd. Together, we can show Aldi just what kind of loyal customers they are missing out on if they refuse to build a store at 5200 Penn Ave. We are planning for a [...]

By |2015-03-31T13:15:57-04:00March 12, 2015|Community, Employment, Events, News|0 Comments

Garfield Green Zone Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended last night's "Garfield Green Zone" meeting. We greatly appreciate your input on the potential for green spaces in Garfield. As it is up to the community to decide how to proceed, we invite you and your neighbors to please give us more feedback on local 'green' initiatives. Let us know what you think of the proposals and feel free to contact the BGC with any questions or concerns. Thanks for showing up and voicing your opinions!

By |2015-03-05T13:15:54-05:00March 5, 2015|Community, Events, Green Initiatives, News|0 Comments

Pancakes in the PM

Join the East End Cooperative Ministry at Pamela's Diner in the Strip District tomorrow, March 5th, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. for an all-you-can-eat buffet of their famous pancakes and breakfast fixin's. Plus, a not-to-be-missed Bloody Mary and Mimosa bar! Because of Pamela's generosity, the entire ticket price benefits EECM's hunger programs! For more information and to reserve your seat at the table, visit:  

By |2015-03-05T11:42:25-05:00March 4, 2015|Community, Events|0 Comments

Green Zone meeting

We would like to welcome community input on the creation of 'green spaces' in Garfield, so we've decided to entice you with free pizza. Please join us this Wednesday, March 4th for a "Green Zone" meeting facilitated by the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. The meeting will begin at 6 PM at the BGC Activity Center (113 North Pacific Avenue). Bring your opinions and your appetites!  

By |2015-03-03T13:25:43-05:00March 3, 2015|Community, Events, News|0 Comments

March Bulletin Board

Check out community events and notices for the month of March! March 2 East Liberty Dr. Seuss Read-Aloud Come to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – East Liberty, 130 S. Whitfield St., to listen to one of Dr. Seuss’ famous books. Read-alouds will take place at 11 a.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m. Open to all ages. March 3 Stanton Heights City Hall Update Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association at 7 p.m. at the Three Rivers Village School, 4721 Stanton Ave., for an update on city services from City Councilman Rev. Ricky Burgess and City Councilwoman Deb Gross. A [...]

By |2015-02-24T18:17:02-05:00February 24, 2015|Community, Events|0 Comments
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